"For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them"
(Matthew 18:20). Living as a Christian is not a solo experience.
Joining a life group at our church is a significant way to develop relationships and to keep growing as a follower of Christ. We offer a variety of Life Groups and sign-ups are happening right now!
Groups offer the safety and trust you need to share the ups and downs of life, grow in applying God's word to daily situations, and receive specific prayer support.
Life groups meet during the week for a few hours and study a variety of topics and materials.
Each group is unique in it's own way for how often it meets, the number of attenders, and the study.
- Connect and build friendships with other attenders from BEFC.
- Grow in your relationship with God.
- Encourage others to apply God's perspective to their daily life.
- Prayer with and for others, and see God's answers to those prayers.
- Care for others and be cared for when needed.
- Serve together at different times of the year.
- As a group you'll decide if/when you do outings together. Ex: Concerts, BBQs, bonfires, service projects, etc.
If you would like more information, please contact:
Kristen Ruopsa - kristen@buffalofree.org