Women's Ministry

Welcome to Women's Ministry at BEFC. It is our sincere hope that every woman in the church has the opportunity to know Christ, to grow deeper in her faith, and to find fellowship in our body of believers. 

Our vision is to be effective disciple-making followers of Christ that are unified by our intentional relationships with women. 

Our mission is to equip women to live a gospel centered life through reading the Scriptures, prayer, and creating a leadership and discipleship mindset of love, passion, and purpose. Unifying women to know their Lord and Savior in a more intimate way, and to share and build each other up by actively living out the gospel.

To find out how to get connected with the women of Buffalo Free Church contact Heather Thornton,, 

Director of Women's Ministries at womenbefc@gmail.com.

Sunday morning classes

Please join our women in a class at 11am on Sunday's.
Here you will connect with other women and go deeper into the Word of God.

If you have any questions, please contact Heather Thornton.

  • Room 2-5

    A study of Acts

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Saturday, September 21st at 9 AM in the youth room at BEFC. Becky Klassen will be our special speaker. All food will be provided.

Please RSVP to Heather (in the office) at heather@buttalofree.org